Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I can tell it's a test week because...

  • the only food I have in the apartment is tortilla chips and uncooked pasta. I wish I was joking...and I absolutely will not take the time to go grocery shopping until after the test. 
  • I have the worst craving for sushi. Only 48 hours until the craving is satisfied! :) 
  • there are loads of shoes strewn around my room and I'm too lazy to put anything away.
  • my dreams are all anatomy related
  • I always smell, at least faintly, of formaldehyde. Oh the joys of dissection... 
  • I feel utterly overwhelmed (and this isn't even my first crack at the class!). SO MUCH TO LEARN!
I promise I'm only neglecting the blogging because I've been busy studying and/or catching up on sleep. Our exams are on Fridays this year, so hopefully this weekend I'll have time to write something more substantial. Until then I shall trace the nerve and artery pathways... 

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