About Me

I'm Jenny. I am not entirely sure what I'd like to do when I grow up. Apparently the reality is that I'm rapidly approaching the "grown up" stage of life though, so perhaps I will soon figure it out. I like baking when I'm stressed. I also enjoy a good hug and practically anything that is shiny. Sunsets are the most gorgeous things to experience and I may love the "clean laundry" smell an unhealthy amount. I have a terribly sick addiction to buying beautiful shoes. I'm naturally an awkward and nerdy person, but I think it's best to just embrace the inevitable. 

I am interested in the intersection between medicine and ministry. I don't necessarily know exactly what that means, but I do know that it means something. I'm passionate about many diverse things and I like writing about them. One might say I'm an external processor of information. Sometimes that means I write about my most recent trip to the Henry Doorly Zoo (which is the number one zoo in the world, I might add). It might also mean that I engage in conversations about culture, religion, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and current events...all of which factor into health outcomes and our daily lives. In all honesty, it usually means I write about all of the food I eat. 

Welcome. Thanks for joining me along the ride!