Friday, September 13, 2013

A challenging year to come!

So I recently stumbled upon this blog/article called 30 Challenges for 30 Days. I HIGHLY recommend the read (and listen to the TED Talk included in it...delightful!).

The whole premise (for those of you who didn't listen to me and just read it yourself) is that it takes about 30 days to form a habit/break a bad habit. So challenge yourself for 30 days to do something new or quit doing something you don't like. They suggest 30 challenges--hence the article title "30 challenges...", they sure are smarties over there at High Existence--to get you started.

I really like this idea because many of them deal with living intentionally--something I think is pretty darn rad. But some of the things they suggested just are things that I have any interest in or that I don't have the time to do during school, so I've created by own list! I plan to do one challenge a month for the next year.

  • Stretch at least 15 minutes per day. (October)
  • Media and technology Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. And I'll drastically cut down the hours I use my phone, computer and iPad. Obviously I can't cut it all out completely because I'm in school and email is an essential form of communication from professors. And I need a computer to write blogposts! (November)
  • Write a postcard/letter/email to someone each day. (December)
  • Wake up early each day. I haven't decided how early is "early" yet, but I can guarantee it won't be as early as my new friend Hugh--4:30 that even a real thing? (January)
  • Meditate every day. (February)
  • Don't complain all day. This one will probably be hard. I'll have to have the people around me remind me if I fall off the wagon. (March)
  • Practice self-compassion and self-love. I'm a perfectionist, it's true. My self-talk isn't always the most positive. It's something to work on! (April)
  • Run one mile each day. This is going to be a rough month. If you've known me very long, you've probably heard me whine about how much I hate running. I doubt I'll like it by the time the end of the month rolls around, but at the very least the running should be much easier. Maybe I'll even up the distance by the end of the in a 5K or something as a "reward" at the end of the month. (May)
  • Take a 30 minute walk each day. Without technology or anything. Just enjoy the outdoors. (June)
  • Write a blogpost each day. Obviously I won't have time to do this during the school year. Thus a summer project! (July)
  • Take a photo each day. It has to be creative somehow. (August)
  • __________________________ (September)
So obviously my list isn't complete. Does anyone have suggestions for my final month? I'll take your suggestions under consideration if they will actually help me somehow (listening to country music does not make me a better person, Nathan). I'm sure I'll come up with something by the time next September rolls around. My monthly assignments aren't set in stone by any means. I might have to shuffle things around based on how I'm feeling...I don't think jeopardizing my health for a challenge is really worth it!

Anyone else want to participate in their own goals over the next year? Or maybe for just a few months? I could definitely use accountability partners in this endeavor! Let me know what you decide to do! 

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