Things That Matter Podcast

Things That Matter is a podcast which I now co-host (and previously was a guest on). I'm happy to provide links here to our recent episodes! TTM is an official podcast of the Nebraska Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and is pleased to partner with the ELCA Youth Ministry Network.

Enjoy the ridiculous antics of my co-hosts, Pr. John Backus and Mitch McCartney, while we continue on this wonderful journey together and meet all sorts of amazing people! You will also enjoy the soothing sounds of Rachel Kurtz and Heatherlyn as you listen in to the Things gang.

Come back soon to find more episodes!

Season 5 (2015) 
August 17, 2015
    • 5.1- Saying good-bye to Lisa (previous co-host).
    • 5.2- Saying good-bye to Adam (previous co-host) and hello to Jenny. 
    • 5.3- Live interview(s) are held for the co-host position. Pr. John Backus is hired. 
    • 5.4- "Friend of the Show" Day Hefner tells us about the first year of seminary at Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. 
    • 5.5- We catch up with Mikka McCracken at ELCA World Hunger and Mitch expresses his frustrations towards them for "stealing" me for the summer. 
September 22, 2015
    • 5.6- I'm back from my "summer vacation" at ELCA World Hunger and tell the others how it went.
    • 5.7- Carolyn Clement talks about Social Media Sunday on October 25th and how you can participate #sms15. The rest of talk about social media and Church...a few pitfalls and a few tips are shared!
    • 5.8- Shawna Hoffman tells her story of infant loss and also tells us about a new non-profit in the Omaha area, HEALing Embrace, that journeys alongside families who have gone through a miscarriage, stillbirth, infant or child loss. Find HEALing Embrace's website here
    • 5.9- Bill Tesch tells the gang about an upcoming workshop called "Coming Home: House Church in the ELCA" in Minnesota. 
December 17, 2015
    • 5.10- Cherly Stubbendieck from the Barnabas Community (Lincoln, NE) tells us about the ministry and outreach to those who are living in poverty within the community. 
    • 5.11- Roger Kruger, author and pastoral care health professional, tells us about his book The Proper Care of Snakes and how different personalities (and personality disorders) interact within congregations. We have deemed him our resident mental health expert for the show. Looking forward to having him back soon!
    • 5.12- St. Nicholas visits the show again (he visited in season 2!). See what the jolly old man has to say! 
April 22, 2016

    • 5.13- "Trinity Reads" readers, Jim and Mary Duda, tell us about the program and the gift of reading/literacy in low income neighborhoods. 
    • 5.14- Malachi Black, former LVC and current Community Outreach staff at Grace Lutheran (Omaha, NE), speaks about his experiences being in conversation and relationship with the community around him.  
    • 5.15- Sadly, all good things must come to an end. This is the end for the "Things That Matter" podcast. We invite former co-hosts, Pr. Adam White and Lisa Kramme, onto the show to say goodbye. We also have special musical guest star, Heatherlyn, back on air to share her journey over the past 5 years since the show began. A bittersweet, but fitting end to the show. 

**Be sure to check out the One More Thing page, where each of us post little blogs/stories/blurbs about just "one more thing" that we thought of that we didn't get to say on air.