Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Part Three: Videos

And now, a bunch of random videos that I've watched over the last month. There's a little something for everyone in this post. Educational to purely entertainment. Hard sciences to liberal arts. It's all in there!
  • Tap dance + Beyonce = GOLD.....This is so ridiculously amazing! You can expect me to look this awesome at my recital...(not!)
  • Let's make our day harder. This is an interesting video about technology becoming ubiquitous. And how that affects our movements (now we pride ourselves on not needing to move to change the channel, buy clothes, and to talk to people who are 1,000 miles away). This is a movement to "tweak the week" to make it harder...take the stairs, have a walking meeting, etc. Such an interesting concept, especially since I just got out of the cardiac physiology unit!
  • Empathy. What is it, how you can get practice it, why is it important? This is one of the most important skills we use as doctors (and doc wannabes!). The key is being vulnerable...being fully human! 
  • Halftime with Lee Brice. Okay, this is WAY cool. Pepsi filmed a commercial in Milligan, NE over Christmas break. It's about an hour and a half away from my hometown. They brought in Lee Brice to put on a show (he's a big country star, in case you didn't know that...I didn't until about September of last year). It was a huge deal and tons of free Pepsi. The York High School band and spirit squads filmed a commercial to be aired during the Super Bowl. I wussed out of going to see the concert (hello, once-in-a-lifetime experience...even if it is country music) because it was freeeeeeezing outside. But here's a sneak peak! 
  • Derrick Coleman--deaf NFL Seahawks fullback did a commercial with Duracell (ignore the part about them trying to sell you batteries...focus on the part where it's super awesome that a deaf person is in the NFL!). My dear old dad (emphasis on the old) is also pretty much deaf. And the deaf community doesn't get much attention or recognition these days, so I think this is very awesome to have a high profile person representing the community in a good way! PS everyone should worry about their hearing health...ear buds and loud music are NOT good for you! :) 
  • Sex Education. Are you a parent? Are you nervous about talking to your kid about sex? Just show them this video! Are you a human being? Could you brush up your knowledge about sex? Or about how to talk about to other humans about sex? Watch this video! It talks about the parts, the "who" people love, losing your virginity (with some conversations about sending naked photos of yourself), consent and rape, sex, protection, and STDs. It uses humor and is medically accurate.
  • Sugar! It affects our brains. We are addicted to it! Learn about why! (I promise I will not judge you for consuming sugar while watching...) This video has a nice set of animations and diagrams to help out the scientific mumbo jumbo!

That's all for now! More tomorrow (hopefully!)

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