Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Dr. Jenny: Declared MIA

Hi, hi, hi, hi. I'm here. I'm alive. My apologies for the hiatus! I have been amassing articles and things I'd like to blog about for about 4 weeks now. The trouble is that the list has gotten SO long that it's intimidating to start writing about anything.

So the plan is an installment-a-day until I get through everything! It's too late for me to start tonight (hey, a girl needs her sleep!), so until then, I leave you with this hilarious blog.

Seriously, if you are a medical student or have any interest in becoming one. You need to read it! This blogger is a doc who drew comics all through med school and journaled throughout her training. There are hilarious patient stories (all more than 3 years ago with zero identifying factors...HIPPA, duh). I have been cracking up non-stop reading it!

Go read "A Cartoon Guide to Becoming a Doctor." Do it. Do it now!

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