Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Today was my first long-term clinical experience (LCE) visit. Basically I am paired with a local practitioner (in my case, a pediatrician) for the next two years. I need to make 5 visits a semester with him at the clinic. It's designed to get us into the clinic to see patients (you know, the whole reason all of us wanted to be doctors in the first place) right from the get go.

So I really can't say much about the patients or anything that happened this afternoon, but it was a wonderful visit! We had one particular moment that was absolutely hysterical though that I can share. We were doing a Kindergarten check-up on a 5-year-old boy and the doctor was asking him a few questions to determine where he was developmentally.

Doctor: "What's your address?"
Boy: "Ummm, I don't know."
Doctor: "Do you know what city you live in?"
Boy: "I don't remember."
Doctor: "It starts with 'O'."
Boy: "O-merica!"

It was absolutely adorable! Go 'Merica! Needless to say, the little boy eventually remembered that he lived in Omaha, so the doctor determined that he was okay.

Such a wonderful visit and a great reminder about why I'm going to school for seemingly forever. Adios for now.

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