Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Duh, welcome to medical school

Well, as it turns out, I could have done a billion times better on the practical tonight (it's not graded, it's just to give us an idea about where we're at) if I would have actually studied a few areas a bit better--or at all. Now I quite easily understand the relationship between the auditory canal, tarus tubarius and the salpingopharyngeal fold and muscle. Obviously those terms mean nothing to many of you (and truthfully they are in an eeentsy little area near the junction of the nose and the mouth), but they make a thousand times more sense to me right now after spending 5 minutes looking at them in a dissecting guide than they did earlier tonight. Who woulda thunk that studying actually helps!?!

Wow, such deep and wonderful insights tonight. Clearly I need to get my head out of a book more frequently or else I may lose my common sense altogether! Here ends my late night ramblings. Until another day.

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