Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Match Day 2016

**(I really meant to have this posted last week, but it was Spring Break and I was out, you know, enjoying the world and not on my computer...but that doesn't mean I'm any less excited and proud!)**

I sincerely love this photo. Getting the envelopes.
photo cred: UNMC

I started this blogging journey on the very first day of orientation for medical school, so I'm not sure there's a much more fitting way to usher in the end of medical school for some of my greatest friends than another blogpost!

I had the great honor of being able to attend the Match Day 2016 ceremony at UNMC as an adopted family member of the lovely Meredith. If you're not familiar, Match Day is the day that medical students across the United States find out where they will be completing their residency. Everyone across the U.S. gets to open their little envelopes at 11 am and the celebrating (and sometimes weeping) commences. It's really quite a stressful process--and I didn't even have anything actually staked on the results!

Meredith's family (+me) celebrating her top choice!
photo cred: UNMC
UNMC tries to make the process fun (mad props to the social chairs--Jill, Lindsey, and Lauren--for making Match Week super wonderful and to class president Joe for your sense of humor during the ceremony and the past 4 years), but still it's stressful. There were a few speeches, a few gifts for the staff that had helped everyone through, and then everyone was able to go get their envelopes. While everyone had their own envelopes, the mad dash to pick them up ended up seeming a little cutthroat! Once everyone had their envelopes, they were allowed to open them with their friends/family/significant others.

Once everyone had the chance to open their envelopes and cry/scream/fall to the floor and convulse, students were randomly called up to the podium to announce their new homes. Everyone picked their own walk up song and there were baby pictures through medical school pictures of them playing on a screen in the background. A few brave souls waited until they were on stage to open their envelopes. I really have to tip my hat to those that did that--there is zero chance that I would be able to do that without having a panic attack while waiting.

Since we were actually seated in the front row, I got the best view of everyone's emotions--and especially their joy--which was one of the highlights of my day. After everyone had their moment to shine on stage the ceremony ended, but the celebrations were far from over. There was a gathering/dance/place to eat cake later that evening, which was another highlight of the day. It was so fun to hang out and catch up with everyone again--I'm not sure I've laughed that hard or danced that hard in a long time.  

Although I am EXTREMELY proud to know these incredible (almost) physicians and cannot send them more positive vibes for success in their new homes, it also felt like a really weird day for me. I know that I am not called to be a doctor--I've more than come to terms with that. But it was also strange being surrounded by everyone that I started that journey alongside as they are getting ready to move on. I will only be a student a few short months longer than they will, so in my own way I will be moving on with them, but it is different (I'm also a little jealous that they have a computer algorithm that matches them to a program and basically tells them where they're going to live for the next 3-5+ years of their lives...I need someone/something to do that for me! There are so many options that it's almost paralyzing!). I can only hope that we will get to work together in the future because they have all changed me for the better. 

Congratulations UNMC College of Medicine Class of 2016! Y'all are so awesome and I'm so proud to call you my friends! 

I'm proud of everyone in this class, but I'm extra proud of this one!
Megan and I started the whole process of MCATs, applying to medical school,
and interviews and acceptance on the same day as each other together.
So glad I was able to see her succeed.
Utah is lucky to have you!  
El Presidente "Making the Class Great Again"
I failed hard at getting the 2016 balloons in there,
but "A" for effort? 
DCYC volunteers: the originals

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