Friday, November 8, 2013

One week closer to break...!

I have survived the week. I honestly wasn't sure that I would at some points, but I'm writing to tell you that I have. It's been crazy, but really awesome and fun! (As an aside, there is no way I could have survived the week with social media and my phone distracting me at every turn, so thank you to everyone I ever text or talk to for being patient with me for the few hours that I actually do use my phone!)

Quick run down:

  • Clinical skills exam (OSCE) Wednesday: I think it went alright. All of my standardized patients seemed quite nice, so that was wonderful!
  • Conference: Today we presented at the International Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement for the jail project I work with. It went amazingly and we had several people asking really great questions and interested in starting their own programs at their respective colleges/universities. The conference had people representing 12 countries, so it's pretty amazing that it was conveniently located here in Omaha! One of the other organizations from UNMC, Bridge to Care, also presented. They serve the refugee populations of Omaha (there are an estimated 20,000 refugees from several countries living in Omaha currently...and that estimate is probably teeny tiny compared to the actual number of refugees we have within our great city!). They did a wonderful job presenting and also do an incredible service to the community!
Some of my fellow presenters! Two of us had already headed back to
jobs/clinic rotations by the time we got around to taking the photo,
but this is us in front of the room where we presented!
  • Anatomy grades: I passed! Woohoo! 10 weeks officially done with school! Well actually today marks the end of the 11th week, but 10 weeks officially done and graded. 
  • This really awesome video: Ash Beckham talks at TedxBoulder. I highly recommend you watch it! It's about coming out of the closet. But not necessarily "coming out" at GLBT. "Coming out" in the sense that sometimes we have secrets or bad news to tell and that's hard. I think she does a good job of normalizing the telling of difficult news. It's something to look into from a healthcare perspective because often we have to tell our patients news that isn't awesome. Although it stinks, it's our stinky reality. Well anyway, watch it!
Okay, I think that was my week in a nutshell. Tonight I have a really hot date with acid/base titration problems. And perhaps some DNA transcription, if I'm lucky! 

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