Thursday, April 11, 2013

Notice the pause.

Sorry about the lack of postage in the past few weeks. Even though I'm no longer in school (for the time being), I've actually been quite busy! More on that a little later though.

Lately I've been listening to this guided meditation that focuses on breathing. It talks about the pause that we have between breaths when we are breathing deeply. After listening to this several times, I realized that my life is currently in the pause.

The pause is a great place to be, really. It's the in-between place. The moment of calm between the turbulent exhale and the brisk inhale. During this pause, the body is still functioning; homeostasis is occurring. Life goes on.

Right now, I'm between things. Between my M1 years. Between bouts of healthy remission of disease. Between the exhale and the next inhale. But I'm still functioning! I'm working several days a week in Hastings and I've started working on a research project.  I've also been quite busy with the Do JuSTIce program. As of this week, I officially took over as the UNMC President of the program. It's the program that goes into Douglas County Department of Corrections and tests/treats for chlamydia and gonorrhea. I've still been going to dance class several times a week. I also am involved with the group that is lobbying with NE senators on issues of healthcare. And last, but certainly not least, I've been focused on getting healthy (which really does take more energy than one might imagine). Homeostasis is occurring; life is going on.

Tomorrow is another sushi night (yay!) and Saturday is our medical school prom. I have a stunningly hot date (Megan!) and am excited to wear a fancy dress and hang out with my friends. This weekend I will also get to see my wonderful god-kiddos, Danni and John, when my family celebrates a belated Easter. Homeostasis is occurring; life is going on.

Notice your pause. Live fully in each moment. Focus on your breathing.

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