Friday, April 19, 2013


Well I've started a lit review and worked a little bit with the data for my first research project over the past few weeks. The purpose of the study was to see if people with mild cognitive impairment (like in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease) had any idea of their deficits and to find a good tool for clinicians to use to screen patients. There's quite a bit of literature out right now on the topic actually. I'm coming into the study after the data collection, so now I'm just trying to figure out what the data is telling us. So far, I don't really have any results, but hopefully I will soon!
Obviously the night wouldn't have been complete
without an awkward prom picture with my
 beautiful date/roommate, Megan!

This week has been quite the busy one! It all started last weekend with medical school prom. Yes, you did read that right. We had prom.

And it was awesome! I had a wonderful time going out to dinner and dancing the night away with my friends.

This week I also headed down to Lincoln (the NE state capital), to lobby with the legislature for a couple of bills that a group at the med center had decided we were passionate about. Medicaid expansion was being debated that day on the floor, so it was very interesting to hear both sides of the argument. The bills we specifically talked about were increased cigarette tax, comprehensive sexuality education in schools (if you know me, you know that I'm very obviously passionate about this issue!), the anti-discrimination bill based on sexual orientation and marital status, and increased funding for the university system.

It was a good time! It was nice to be able to stay in the state and feel like my voice was heard. Actually, I definitely felt like my voice was more clearly heard than it was when I went to DC in undergrad to talk about sex ed. Part of that may have been because I was associated with a graduate school program at UNMC and some of that may have just been because my local senator is WAY cooler/nicer than the guy I talked with in DC.

This weekend should be a busy one too. Tonight we have the memorial service for the families of our cadavers from anatomy. Tomorrow is a residency symposium that UNMC puts on every few years. I will be going to sessions about neurology, infectious diseases and pediatrics, I think. I'm sure there will be an overwhelming amount of information and I'll probably just start freaking out about not being able to get into a residency program, but hopefully it's helpful information! Another blog update to come after the craziness of the weekend...

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