Friday, November 27, 2015

TAY-HAAS: Part 2

Last fall I went to Texas for a conference of hunger, global mission, and justice leaders within the ELCA in the Midwest region. You can read about my time on the border last year.

This past weekend I headed again to the conference, this time in Argyle, Texas at Briarwood Retreat Center. While there was no International Nacho Festival to celebrate this go around, there was still plenty to learn!

There were conversations on racism in the church and some possible suggestions on how to overcome it (yes, white people, we've got to step up). There was a training session on the power of storytelling in recruitment and leadership (heads up students I work with...we're doing this in the spring! :) ); there was an update on the situation in the Holy Land and the ELCA's response via the Peace Not Walls initiative. And there were also updates on the work of ELCA World Hunger.

I was so honored to be able to present some of the ELCA World Hunger's information! While the lovely Mikka presented the majority of it (and boy was I thankful...some of the questions she got were ha-ard), I got to do a few small pieces based on my internship this past summer and my time with the ELCA Young Adult Cohort. It was great and awesome practice for the coming year(s) when I hope to speak more about ELCA World Hunger and the great work they do. I'm actually going to be part of a training conference next month to improve my skillz.

I also found out that Nebraska is hosting our very own Walk for Water, so I'm excited to join in all the fun and planning for that too! Maybe I can paint another sweet photo op too :) Get ready Nebraska, we're about to have some fun!

next time I'll do without the sweet knee brace..but you better bet I'll have a fanny pack!  

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