Monday, June 29, 2015

seeing the world through rainbow colored glasses: week 4

Welcome, Ben! Also reppin' the ELCA so nicely. 
So much gay pride this week between the SCOTUS ruling and Pride parade! So much love. Congratulations to all of my friends who are able to marry, and to be legally recognized for their marriage, across the United States. So much color this weekend.

WH intern bean selfie
Before all of that though, many adventures were to be had this week. Ben's first visit to the Bean. Movie in Millennium Park--"Back to the Future". The DeLorean even made an appearance! The World Hunger interns definitely know how to party :) Watching "Inside Out." We had all the feels. And the feelings had the feels too. A great movie, but really puts you in touch with the emotions. We had a few false starts with the movie (wrong times, no tickets, late to the show when we came back the next day), so in the meantime we went out to sushi. It was the first sushi experience for Anna. You know I'm all about corrupting people with my sushi love.

dat skyline

I went to an incredible contemporary class this past week also. Dance really just does feed my soul. I didn't realize how much I needed the class until I was there. Speaking of dance, I headed to a performance of the Chicago Tap Theater this weekend. In honor of the 2-week circus here in Chicago, it was "Circo Tap." They were amazing tappers; what a show! The founder of the company actually spends his time teaching deaf children tap, which I thought was cool.
Chicago Tap Theatre: "Circo Tap"

This week's reading included "The Rules of Civility," "Friendfluence," and "Omnivore's Dilemma." I also finished Once Upon a Time on Netflix. Being so busy lately has cut into my Netflix binge-watching time...such a shame. ;) (kidding) I have, however, been reading so much more on the bus/train rides! I'm also getting a sense for where I am in Chicago and enjoy people watching and seeing the neighborhoods as they fly by the windows of the busses and trains.

And now for a random factoid: there's a laundromat right across the street from my apartment and I really love it. The whole neighborhood smells delightfully of freshly cleaned laundry (although likely this is a terrible environmental hazard and will affect the birth outcomes of my children, but I like how it smells). Clean laundry hands down is the best smell in the world. I'll take my short-lived environmental toxin exposure for happy olfaction.

And now for Pride:
WH loves everyone! 
Gina love. 

gay & lesbian Hall of Fame
I <3 my gay kids. 
of course there's a gay marching band,
cause why not?  
Dykes on Bikes.
Really got a kick out of this one!
There were probably close to 50 bikes thundering through the route. 
victory #tommysballoons

Chicago #tommysballoons

Pride 2015 #tommysballoons
well deserved post-Pride falafel 

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