Thursday, September 4, 2014

Emergency Preparedness

I figured since I'm in public health now, I should write about public health things. caught me. I've been writing about public health things since the get-go. Why didn't one of you suggest I do public health sooner!?! I digress...

September is National Preparedness Month! This means making a plan, getting supplies and having conversations with your family. Theoretically you should have enough supplies to last you and your family for at least 72 hours. According to a news release earlier this week from Governor Heineman, these things should be in your emergency kit:
  • battery-powered or crank radio
  • weather alert radio
  • extra batteries
  • first aid kit
  • sanitary wipes
  • dust mask
  • water for drinking and sanitation
  • water purification tablets
  • waterproof matches and/or butane lighter
  • crank flashlight
  • plastic sheeting
  • non-perishable food for at least three days
  • disinfectants and medications.
  • medical information for entire family, including details about dosages of required medications and a list of known health issues
  • warm clothes and sleeping bags for winter
  • extra hydration and bug-repellant for summer/fall
In addition to the kit, an emergency plan should be drafted for the family so everyone can be on the same page if something happens to the house or the family gets separated. Here is one that you can just fill in the blanks!

Make sure your kits are easily accessible and movable, if necessary! You can find more information on the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency's website:

Stay safe friends! You never know when fire, tornadoes or floods will hit! 

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