Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Good news, I'm still alive!

Hello, hello, hello! It's been a bit more than a week since I returned to the US from Jamaica and yet I have still to update y'all on the trip. First off, it was awesome!! Secondly, I don't have time to write out a whole post about the trip right now...I'm hoping to get to that this weekend (and perhaps a few other post of the extremely long list of posts I want to write...).

BUT, I do have a lovely little post for you about my weekend and a little update on other things.
  • Challenges: March's challenge of the month was to not complain. I wasn't super great at it, but I will admit that spending a week in paradise definitely helped reduce the number of daily complaints! This month is running a mile per day. I haven't done my mile yet today, but I hope to get it done after dance class tonight. I got some new running shoes (any excuse to buy more shoes!) just for the occasion!
  • Neuro: We're in our final 6 weeks of the M1 year and it's the Neurology core. And it's freaking awesome. I seriously love every single day...well not so much today because we talked about programmed cell death and that isn't super brain-y (even though it happens a ton in the brain during development). I've held several brains to look at the anatomy and we hemisected our dissections yesterday! I'm super pumped for Thursday's lab too!
  • Shoutout: I don't know how this happened, but I never gave a shout out to my wonderful ICE group...Cason, Danny, Hugh, Sam, Alissa, James, Levi, and Michelle. Killer Common Problems presentations! I especially think James, Levi and I's presentation was the best because we had the rototiller picture. I swear I'm not biased...
  • Weekend: I had quite the whirlwind of a weekend, but it was absolutely incredible! Let' see...studying at Aroma's and Kitchen Table on Friday night. Jail project (STD testing)
    Aromas! Chai tea lattes that
     kept me up until 2 am
    Saturday morning, quick review in the anatomy lab, several hours of neuro studying, New Works performance by my good friends and lovelies at Ballet Nebraska, and a late-night drive home.  I drove home because Sunday I got to see my incredibly talented friend, Beau, give his senior thesis in studio art! I am so proud of you Mr. Beau! It really came together...and I appreciated the pictures of the progress along the way! I also got to see Mr. Justin get inducted into the Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society (he's kind of a big deal now...but he won't admit it). Got to catch up with my parents, grandma, Laura and Justin's parents. AND Mr. Justin and I celebrated our monthly "trip" to Jamaica with spicy jerk shrimp, rice and peas (beans...they just call them peas in Jamaica), mangoes and brownies (they were not laced with anything...). It was a crazy 
    Kelsey and Erin.
    Excellent job dancing the both of you and, as always, I
    love your original choreography, Erin!
    quick trip, but lots of fun! I'm so proud of Erin, Kelsey, Beau and Justin this weekend!  
BBB initiation. Congrats Mr. Justin!

Yes, we match. I picked my outfit out first.
He should have changed.
No, we did not go to prom together

Beau presenting!

Excellent job Beau!
Spicy jerk shrimp. Rice and peas. Green beans. Mango. 

  • Spirit Day: For whatever reason UNMC celebrates Spirit Days and today we got free root beer floats and popcorn with different kinds of candy toppings. I don't understand it, but I definitely don't hate it!

Spirit Day! Popcorn and root beer floats!
Okay, hopefully some better updates this weekend about my trip! Hope all is well with all of my loyal readers!

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