Saturday, October 19, 2013


Admittedly, this will be a super random post. But that's what happens when I haven't blogged much in the recent past. Here we go...
  • I recently found out that one of the conferences I'm presenting at in November is featuring Parker Palmer as its keynote speaker (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). I'm about to nerd out real hard, please prepare yourself. For all of you science people that don't know who Parker Palmer is, let me direct you to this nice little bio. He is a rockstar. He's a writer about education, leadership and vocation predominantly. He is also a member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quaker), so that's pretty darn awesome. We read one of his books in undergrad for the Christian Ministry program I was in (we read "Let Your Life Speak"...if you're interested in reading it, I will absolutely let you borrow it!). It was all about finding your calling/vocation and doing that with your life because ultimately it makes your life more full and affects those around you in a positive way. Well anyway, Parker (Do you think he will become my bestie at this conference? Gosh, I hope!) is speaking at this conference because it's all about service learning and community education. I think he is talking about his recent book, but I honestly don't know. I don't really care. He's awesome. He could be reading out of the dictionary and I'd still probably think it was interesting. So, I'm a little star struck and it's making it hard for me to put together a cohesive blurb about Parker Palmer, but the moral of the story is that I'm excited.
  • This week I went to "Book of Mormon" with some friends. It was INCREDIBLE! Offensive, hilarious, gorgeous music, great choreography! I really wish I were more talented in the areas of singing, dancing and acting cause I would absolutely LOVE to be in musicals! Biggest bummer of my life that I'm
  • I had a test this week! It's done now though. Thank goodness. Still plenty more tests for weeks to come. I'm so looking forward to Christmas break (when I still have assignments to work on, but at least I don't have a billion hours of studying on top of that!). Perhaps I will get a countdown going on my computer so it will inspire me to survive until then!
  • This week was Spirit Day (a day dedicated to eradicating bullying especially against LGTB youth). In honor of Spirit Day, I present you with this incredibly done video about bullying. It's been floating around the intrawebs for a few months now, but it's still just as powerful now as it was in February. As someone who used to be bullied endlessly as a child, I'm so glad teachers are better now about combating bullying--whether it's about a child's orientation or about their overall nerdy and awkward nature, it's not okay. We really have to start teaching our kiddos not to bully because otherwise they don't grow out of it and they are bullies as adults too. Adult bullies are so very not cool.

  • Continuing on with the videos... Here's this video about STI prevention. I think this might be the best parody of a Taylor Swift song ever.

  • A final installation of the videos for today...a very impressive tap dance to the song "Cups"! I love tap so much! They did a reallllll good job with it too!

  • Challenges update: I have been stretching at least 15 minutes per day every day this month. It's been a bit harder than I expected to fit it in each day, but it has been really helpful! I've missed two days I think because I was absolutely too exhausted to do anything other than collapse into my bed by the end of the day. But I always stretched extra long the following days. Next month (in just 12 days!) I will be giving up my phone for the most part and basically all of the internet, so I'm guessing that will be MUCH harder, but absolutely worth it! I'll likely be much more productive with the studying, at the very least! Don't worry, you will still be able to contact me via email, snail mail, smoke signals and owl post. I will also be updating my blog throughout the month. You can subscribe to get emails whenever I post (shameless plug much?) since I won't also be posting them on the facebooks.
That was just a teeny tiny snippet of my life as of late. Perhaps soon I will write about something directly medically related. Perhaps not. But I hope all is well with everyone!

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