Sunday, February 10, 2013

pre-test weekend

I have a test tomorrow. And because of that I didn't have the time to write a full blog post in a single day, so here's a day-by-day update of how I spent my weekend.

Today was a long, full day of studying. Now my brain is a bit mushy, so apologies in advance if this post isn't the most coherent thing I've ever written. 

One nice part about today's study adventure is that I got to make this: 

I love arts and crafts! I had to go to the children's section to buy this pad of paper
made by Crayola for toddlers who are working on their gross motor skills... 
Yeah, that's a nephron. Well a stylized version of one with a color coded representation of ions and other substances that are filtered, reabsorbed, secreted and excreted in the kidney. Each person has an average of 2 million of these little suckers. It's pretty impressive how much control our kidneys have on the stuff we pee and the stuff we keep in our blood! 

I needed a bit of a break from studying, so I made these lemon sugar cookies with a lemon cream cheese frosting. They are DELICIOUS, if I do say so myself!

I've been eyeing this recipe for several weeks, I'm glad I finally got to make them! 
Now back to a few more hours of studying before bed!

I didn't get as much studying done today as I would have liked, but I think my brain appreciated the break (that being said, I did still get several hours of studying in!). I sure hope that I've retained something for tomorrow's exam!

I got to have a little bit of fun today though. Originally I was supposed to go to a show with my friend Beau, but he couldn't make it last minute, so my dad came up and went with me instead! The show was Potted Potter. It was a parody of all of the Harry Potter books. It really wasn't the best show I've ever seen, but it still was moderately funny.

The funniest moment is when they called an audience volunteer who was 10ish year old girl Ginny Weasley because she had reddish-brown hair. She wasn't thrilled about it. And then another audience volunteer--10ish year old boy--laid the smack down on one of the performers who was acting like a golden snitch. This little boy made the performer face plant; it was pretty impressive! 
Another bonus of seeing my dad (other than, you know, getting to see him) was that he brought mini apple crisps that my mom made for me! They are seriously good and I think they're my favorite dessert--for those of you that don't know me (or my father): desserts are really big deal in my family. We love them. Like a whole lot. I love baking and I love eating them. Really, there's not a downside to dessert (yeah, I'm really okay with getting fat if the fat comes from the consumption of dessert). It's hard for me to choose just one favorite. But apple crisp definitely makes the top 5 list!

Well anyway, I couldn't wait to try one of the mini apple crisps. It was absolutely delicious, as expected! 

Seriously, this stuff has to be manna from heaven! You can see my notes underneath the plate,
so we can count the eating time as studying time too....right?
Another non-studying moment came at dinner. As many of my loyal readers will know (haha loyal readers...that was a joke. You may laugh now.), I usually get sushi with my friends the night before a test. Tonight we deviated from our routine because it's the Chinese New Year today! Obviously we needed to have Chinese food to celebrate. We headed down to our favorite Chinese restaurant for some scrumptious fried rice. I had shrimp fried rice so I could hopefully weasel out a few omega 3's to help with my test tomorrow.

Thank you Three Happiness Express! 
Well, I'm spent after a long weekend hovering over my notes. I think I'll head to bed in a few and I won't even care if you judge me for being 22 and going to bed at 8:30 pm. 

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