Tuesday, December 11, 2012

'Tis the season for...

Santa, Dr. Binhammer, & one of my classmates leading the caroling.
  • caroling! Today we had a sing-a-long with one of our  professors. It was a blast! We even got some delicious cookies too. 
  • Christmas socks (the ones I've been wearing all year) to be socially acceptable!
  • gift exchanges at holiday gatherings with friends and family.
  • final exams (unfortunately). I keep seeing updates from my HC friends about almost being done with finals...I'm a little bit sad that I won't be done until late Friday afternoon with my exam. 
Colored marshmallows,
whipped cream, caramel topping,
and mini chocolate chips!
It's low fat...right? 
  • traveling--be safe y'all!
  • SNOW!! But we haven't really had any yet. I'm sort of okay with it though because snowy days make it infinitely harder to be motivated to go to class.
  • holiday races. Like this one in Memphis that I'm planning on doing this weekend. For those of you that know me well, you're sure to be surprised that I'm actually going to run, but the holiday lights make it seem more appealing. I'm still not convinced that running is fun. 
  • hot chocolate. I needed a study snack the other night and this is how it ended up! Of course I couldn't just have normal hot chocolate. :)
  • holiday treats. I love dessert and this is the best time of year for it! Cookies, pie, cinnamon ice cream, cobblers, crisps, homemade candies...YUM! I'm looking forward to Christmas baking once classes are done. 
  • Christmas sweaters. Whether they're ugly or not, there's something dang special about a good Christmas sweater.
  • rest and relaxation. The season of Advent is a season of waiting, take a moment (or several moments) to remember that each day amidst the business and commercialization of the season. 

Enough about how awesome the holidays are, it's time to study. 
2 days, 20 hours and 33 minutes until my exam. 

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