Friday, December 7, 2012


Well, it's that time of year again...Christmas break is approaching and so are finals for most students. The time of year where you're tired of being in school and all you want to do is curl up and watch movies or go celebrate the season with your friends and family, but the looming exams (or papers!) prevent you from fully enjoying the greatness of Christmas. I'm counting down the days until I head to Memphis for a quick visit (T minus 7 days!) and home to Hastings after that. Unfortunately I still have a biochem exam separating me from my Southern vacation!

My exams sometimes feel like a fight-to-the-death match...
The Hunger Games don't have anything on medical school!
Yesterday we took our final ICE exam of this semester. It was over the stages of development from birth-death, mood disorders, death/dying/grieving. I didn't think it was too bad since I've covered much of the information before in my psych and Christian ed classes in undergrad. It's nice to have it out of the way though so that I can fully focus solely on biochem.

This biochemistry test will include genetics, bone/cartilage, blood, lymphatics, lipid & fatty acid metabolism, nucleotide metabolism, cell signaling & transport, and biochemical nutrition. Doesn't that just sound like the most fun a person could have?!

The countdown begins: 7 days and 30 minutes until our exam!

....and just because my main main Willie Smith is in this one! :) 

Happy Holidays! 

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