Saturday, December 15, 2012

One semester down.

Okay, I'll admit that I chuckled at this.
Just a little genetics humor since
 we just finished a unit on genetics!

Yesterday, I took the final exam of the first semester of my medical school education.


Yeah...weird. It seems like just a few weeks ago I was stressing out about O-week and miraculously it's 18 weeks later and I am one step, although just a small one, closer to becoming a physician.

It's actually incredible how utterly different the atmosphere was before yesterday's exam as compared to our first few exams. We were all chatting about plans for vacation, and though there was a sense of urgency to just be done with the exam, there was a noticeable sense of calmness and congeniality that hasn't really been present before other exams so far this year. It really has been wonderful to get to know my classmates over the past semester and I look forward to the coming years as we transition into the workforce. I might be a little biased y'all, but I think the Class of 2016 is going to produce some seriously awesome physicians.

I have to admit that I was pretty pumped when I finished the exam. It was rough exam, sure, but it always feels good to finish an exam after studying for so long, plus it signified the beginning of a long break and, more importantly, the end of the semester. I survived! But even as excited and proud as I was, it was hard to really feel good about the day. Just before starting the exam, the news about the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy broke and it was obviously heart-wrenching. It was/is hard to be happy about something that seems trivial comparatively.

I believe the English language fails us when it comes to articulating grief and sadness. Or maybe it just isn't the English language, but maybe just spoken and written language generally. The feelings experienced when losing people, whether just one or twenty-six, transcend the abilities of language. They cannot be talked about, but rather wholly and completely felt at our very core. Healing after something like this is not going to come easily, we shouldn't expect or hope it to. Human life is too valuable and precious not to fully honor it with the messy-ness/real-ness of our unencumbered emotions.

I am excited to have a break from school, but for now I mourn the lives of those lost in Friday's tragedy, as are thousands of other Americans. I also mourn those who have died as a result of less publicized acts of violence; their lives are just as valuable as those who have been, recently and unfortunately, thrust into the international spotlight, but too often they are out of sight and mind and ultimately forgotten. May a comforting Spirit be present throughout the United States, and the world, as we grieve for those lost as a result of all violent acts.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

'Tis the season for...

Santa, Dr. Binhammer, & one of my classmates leading the caroling.
  • caroling! Today we had a sing-a-long with one of our  professors. It was a blast! We even got some delicious cookies too. 
  • Christmas socks (the ones I've been wearing all year) to be socially acceptable!
  • gift exchanges at holiday gatherings with friends and family.
  • final exams (unfortunately). I keep seeing updates from my HC friends about almost being done with finals...I'm a little bit sad that I won't be done until late Friday afternoon with my exam. 
Colored marshmallows,
whipped cream, caramel topping,
and mini chocolate chips!
It's low fat...right? 
  • traveling--be safe y'all!
  • SNOW!! But we haven't really had any yet. I'm sort of okay with it though because snowy days make it infinitely harder to be motivated to go to class.
  • holiday races. Like this one in Memphis that I'm planning on doing this weekend. For those of you that know me well, you're sure to be surprised that I'm actually going to run, but the holiday lights make it seem more appealing. I'm still not convinced that running is fun. 
  • hot chocolate. I needed a study snack the other night and this is how it ended up! Of course I couldn't just have normal hot chocolate. :)
  • holiday treats. I love dessert and this is the best time of year for it! Cookies, pie, cinnamon ice cream, cobblers, crisps, homemade candies...YUM! I'm looking forward to Christmas baking once classes are done. 
  • Christmas sweaters. Whether they're ugly or not, there's something dang special about a good Christmas sweater.
  • rest and relaxation. The season of Advent is a season of waiting, take a moment (or several moments) to remember that each day amidst the business and commercialization of the season. 

Enough about how awesome the holidays are, it's time to study. 
2 days, 20 hours and 33 minutes until my exam. 

Friday, December 7, 2012


Well, it's that time of year again...Christmas break is approaching and so are finals for most students. The time of year where you're tired of being in school and all you want to do is curl up and watch movies or go celebrate the season with your friends and family, but the looming exams (or papers!) prevent you from fully enjoying the greatness of Christmas. I'm counting down the days until I head to Memphis for a quick visit (T minus 7 days!) and home to Hastings after that. Unfortunately I still have a biochem exam separating me from my Southern vacation!

My exams sometimes feel like a fight-to-the-death match...
The Hunger Games don't have anything on medical school!
Yesterday we took our final ICE exam of this semester. It was over the stages of development from birth-death, mood disorders, death/dying/grieving. I didn't think it was too bad since I've covered much of the information before in my psych and Christian ed classes in undergrad. It's nice to have it out of the way though so that I can fully focus solely on biochem.

This biochemistry test will include genetics, bone/cartilage, blood, lymphatics, lipid & fatty acid metabolism, nucleotide metabolism, cell signaling & transport, and biochemical nutrition. Doesn't that just sound like the most fun a person could have?!

The countdown begins: 7 days and 30 minutes until our exam!

....and just because my main main Willie Smith is in this one! :) 

Happy Holidays!