Thursday, December 17, 2015


Over the past couple of weeks I've been thinking quite a bit about graduation and getting a job in the "real world" in August when my program ends. I won't lie, this is causing a fair amount of anxiety because I pretty much have no idea what in the world I want to do--or where in the world I want to do it--(and because it seems that I'm asked the "What kind of job are you going to get after graduation?" question at least 4 times per day over the past month).

But I've also felt an overwhelming feeling of calm/peace/wholeness/gratitude (some mix of the aforementioned plus others...basically I've got all the feels lately!) for how fortunate I have been in the past year and a half to so easily transition into public health. I'm thankful for the community that surrounds me and encourages me each day. And for how fortunate I am to have found a career path that truly makes me feel alive with passion and enthusiasm.

Even in the past month, amidst final paper writing and several assignments (just one more to turn in by Friday...and I can't seem to make myself sit down and spend the 20 minutes to finish many more fun Christmas-y things to do!), I have had some of the coolest experiences of my life. I just need to take a second to thank all of you for how awesome you are and how much you've shaped my life.

I'm thankful for:

    • my family being close so we can visit frequently. 
    • UNMC COM Class of 2016 and 2017 friends who continue to include me in on things and encourage me to eat caramel apples and truffles after a huge meal (thanks Jill and Mer). 
    • Ballet Nebraska friends who enrich my life with amazing dance--on stage and in the studio--but also are the most wonderful of friends. 
    • ELCA World Hunger folks in Nebraska and Chicago who teach me new things and also are fierce believers that you don't need to have years of experience in order to make a difference and do work. 
    • Nebraska AIDS Project staff and volunteers who allow me to have a productive outlet for my peer educator side. And for pushing me outside of my comfort zone to become a HIV tester and counselor trainer. 
    • the students that I work with at UNMC who inspire me each day to continue making a difference for those who are underserved in the Omaha community. 
    • my schooling. My, oh my has the past year and half gone by quickly (technically I "graduate" with my first degree on Friday, but I'm not even going to the year though!) and I've learned so much. 
    • the women of the MCH program. These ladies are warriors for women's health and rights. I'm reminded all the time of how much good they will do in the world. I'm hoping to stay along for the ride. 
    • the Things That Matter podcast and for the people that Mitch, John and I meet along the way. (Look out for new episodes coming your way soon!)
    • HC friends who won't let me off the hook when I forget to schedule Skype calls (and for unabashedly begging for me to come visit *cough, Dan, cough*).
    • the ELCA Young Adult cohort who have encouraged me to think about the world in a new way and have been friends through the rough months of the past year. 
    • Laura, whom makes me laugh out loud at least once per day. 
    • the First Lutheran Church community. It's quite a blessing to be part of a Church body that passes the peace for longer than any other single part of the service and a group of people that is welcoming to literally everyone. 
    • my doctors who have helped me to become healthy! 
    • the ability to travel over the past year! So many things to see, so little time! 

    What an incredible year it's been. This year wouldn't have been the same without you. Thanks for being there alongside me in the crazy, beautiful life. And thanks for embracing, encouraging, inspiring, supporting, challenging and believing in me along the way.

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