Thursday, February 26, 2015

You know you're official a public health nerd when... get the "Kids Count 2014 Report" in the mail (data on kids throughout the state of NE broken down into county, race, gender, etc.) and you are so stoked!!!! I mean just look at these beautiful pages...

% children 17 & under in poverty
1 in 8 NE households experience food insecurity

In other news:
  • Speaking of school, had 4 papers and a short presentation due this week, so I'm very sorry that I haven't update the blog more this week. I'm also trying to get all of my homework done before I leave for the UN CSW over the next two weeks, but I will try to get another big one out tomorrow sometime about my time in San Francisco. 
  • Started my new job today. I work with infants! Babies e'reday of the week. It's great. It is a really fun atmosphere and I think I will fit in very well there.
  • There's a fan club for me! Okay, it's really not for me. It's actually for a plane named Jenny (which I have a t-shirt of, btdubs). I just like to think that I'm famous. 

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