I have a lot of opinions, emotions, and words. A lot of them. All of the time. But I haven't been writing any of them down for public consumption for the past 6 months. That's been weird for me. And now I sort of don't know how to get back into the groove of writing things for others to read.
So much has happened in the past 6 months in my life and in the world. I want to write about some of those things and publish the things that I've written in the meantime, but it seems overwhelming to figure out where to start. I hope to eventually write a condensed version of those happenings, but I'm also working on not feeling guilty that I let down those of you who are loyal readers for taking this hiatus.
The blogging break began because I was just so exhausted. Exhausted literally, exhausted from writing during my final session of graduate school and my thesis, exhausted from preparing for a launch of two curriculums I helped write and presentations at a national conference, and exhausted from spending every waking moment applying to jobs, looking for a new home, and trying to transition my job to a whole new department who knew nothing about what I did. And then after all of that, I was exhausted from learning all the new things in my career (a career which I adore, by the way...hopefully more on that later) and finally dealing with all of the adulting things that I had neglected while I was trying to finish my degree.
As I look back at the past 6 months, I'm really not sure how I got through it honestly. A heck of a lot of support from my friends and family, I guess. I know I've been saying this for years, but I've seriously got to learn to say "no" to things. It's a problem and it really became apparent this summer. Something had to give.
It turns out, the thing that gave was my writing.
I guess I didn't realize how much I missed it until recently when I did my 3 month job performance evaluation at work and my boss asked me what my professional goals were. I didn't have a good answer for her at that moment (and I still don't....if you have ideas of what my professional goals should be, please send them my way!), but later in the week I woke up in the middle of the night and realized that I whatever I end up doing 10 years from now, I have to write. I'm still working on finding a way that I can fit that into my current job responsibilities and what that means for future professional endeavors, but I also know that I need to make writing a priority in my personal time too.
So thank you to the people in the past few months who have been lightly suggesting that I get back into writing. Thank you to the other people who keep checking in on the blog to see if I've written anything. And thanks to those of you who think I have something interesting to say on occasion.
I'm back. And this is my official declaration that the writing hiatus has ended.