Monday, June 15, 2015

new city, new me: week 1

Wow, I can't believe it's already the middle of June. My sincerest apologies for letting this past month slip by without a post. It was a bit of a doozy though and I needed some time to myself.

Momentum with my lovely new roomie, Kelsey! 
But since then I've finished up the year of my certificate program, looked for a new apartment with a new roomie in hOmaha, moved all of my stuff to storage, moved to Chicago for the summer for an internship, and a dance recital, among many other things. Like I was a little rough. There's been lots of big changes happening and although they've been exhausting, I'm so happy to be where I am now. It's absolutely been the most perfect opportunity for me! More on that later.

In preparation for moving to Chi-town I had a Chicago (veggie) dog
Congrats Dr. Lizzie, DDS! 
"Lay Down" --dance recital, contemporary
"Choo, Choo"--dance recital, tap
"Big, Bad Handsome Man"--dance recital, lyrical

One of the many things that happened in May was the filming of this low, low, low budget commercial. As it turns out, acting is not my calling. But in the interest of saving myself embarrassment down the road, I share it now. If any my loyal readers would like to become a hunger leader, you can also let me know and I can get you hooked up too!

I moved to Chicago for an internship with the World Hunger team at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). I have a beautifully decorated cubby (okay it actually could use more things...for instance postcards that my wonderful friends and family send me....?). And on the first day I was greeted with a welcoming box of candy, a coloring book, AND glitter crayons. My boss knows me so well! We also had an ice cream social the first day, so you know that I fell in love with the place immediately.

My cubicle. It now has a few more decorations even!
The first week was pretty much back-to-back meetings from 9 am - 4 pm every day, which exhausted me but was really exciting also. My supervisors will only be around for 7 and 9 days respectively this month (5 of which were during my first week), so we had to get lots of training/orientation and planning underway beginning the Day 1. I'm really excited for all of my projects (check back next post for more on that) and am looking forward to some time to actually work on them outside of meetings.

You can see who else I'm interning with here. We are quite the motley crew. We have also committed to experiencing Chicago by way of street festivals (commentary on the irony that that World Hunger food interns are the ones most excited about eating is unnecessary. We are already well aware...). There are also 8 other interns that we get to see throughout the day if we're lucky, but definitely at lunch. They have a special table for us to all sit out. It sort of feels like assigned seating in high school lunch, but it's nice to check-in with everyone daily. 

Here are photos from our first food festival...Taste of Little Village: Flavors of Mexico! We were also planning to go to another food truck festival, but the rain put a damper on our spirits a bit. There are many more to choose from in the coming weeks though! 

Bienvenidos a Little Village!
a cool refreshment as I wait for the others

Hunger Interns!
cheese enchiladas

Outside of work I found a dance studio to attend. The first class I went to was great, very different from what I'm used to but great. I look forward to continuing to explore classes at Lou Conte. I also have been reading lots on my commute (when I'm not people watching). I've finished the later 4 Chronicles of Narnia books (I read the first ones a few summers ago) and one of Chelsea Handler's books. She is strange human, but she does make me laugh quite a bit nonetheless. My Netflix binge-watching is also on point right now--although there was a short break in the ability to watch when our wifi went out for a week. I am ashamed to admit how much I rely on wifi and how hard it was to not have it, but I have somehow persevered.

I've done lots of exploring including finding the grocery store, laundromat and getting lost plenty of other times. Here are some photos of my time so far! 

Vegan BBQ burger on Amtrak?
Could have gone many ways. Turns out it was yummy!

I got a welcome sign at my new home!

homemade fried rice, blackberry margaritas,
and caramel candied apples as a welcome wagon?
I love this place! 
My first attempt to find the grocery store got me lost.
I ended with a delicious, happy accident dinner though!

public health in action in my neighborhood! <3
They had a sign for free condoms and free HIV testing in the window!
This place is on my walk during my commute. 
Seemed to be the weirdest combo of foods they served...
biscuits and pie. Goodness was I wrong, 
this place was DELICIOUS! I've already been back for more pie. 

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